
2017年2月27日—ItdoesnotinterferewithWindowsStartmenuandcanbelaunchedusingtheShift+Tabhotkey.AnothermethodtoactivatetheWinLaunchisto ...,2012年4月18日—I'vebeenusingthislauncherforoveramonthnow.Ireallylikeit!Visuallystunning.I'mabigfanofanylauncherthatcanbeactivatedvia ...,ActivateWinLaunch.ThedefaultactivationmethodsforWinLaunchare.Shift+Tab(Hotkey);Movingthemouseintotheupperleftcornerofthescre...

Add Mac OS Style Launchpad in Windows with WinLaunch

2017年2月27日 — It does not interfere with Windows Start menu and can be launched using the Shift+Tab hotkey. Another method to activate the WinLaunch is to ...

WinLaunch, Mac OS X Launchpad For Windows

2012年4月18日 — I've been using this launcher for over a month now. I really like it! Visually stunning. I'm a big fan of any launcher that can be activated via ...


Activate WinLaunch. The default activation methods for WinLaunch are. Shift + Tab (Hotkey); Moving the mouse into the upper left corner of the screen ...

WinLaunch to Bring Mac OS X or iPad Style of Launcher ...

2012年5月7日 — You have 5 ways to activate and use WinLaunch: 1. Pin WinLaunch.exe to taskbar if you are running Windows 7. 2. Activate the HotCorners in ...


A small tool that captures open windows and their positions and generates a script that can be used to launch those windows again at those positions.

Suggestions for WinLaunch

2017年6月14日 — 9 suggestions to make WinLaunch more awesome (or nearly perfect):. Allow environment variables resolution, like %USERNAME%, %USERPROFILE%, ...